Blog Archive

Have you seen my brain?

Really.  Have you seen it?  Because it dawned on me that I utterly and completely and totally forgot about Waking Wednesday.  I'm so sorry.  Even though I was a poopy head, I'm very appreciative of those who participated in the last Waking Wednesday.  Check these out...

Amanda at The Ivy Cottage shows us how to whip up a delish looking lemon pepper crock pot dish...yum!

while we're on the subject of yum, here's a recipe I'm dying to try: sweet craisin banana bread from Lisa at The Pursuit of Happiness.

In the craft department, Monique from Naturally Me Creations shared what she's been working on...

a sweet chore chart - scrap book style

Thanks again for participating, and I promise to keep my head screwed on long enough to remember it next week.