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Felt Rose Hair Pin Tutorial

Valentine's day is literally right around the corner, and although it may not be a holiday of Christmas-y proportions, there's no better time to show those in your life you think they're special!  I don't know about you, but there are a lot of special people in my life, but I don't have deep pockets - so sweet and simple is the name of the game.  In the same boat?  Well, here's a super easy, super cheap, super fast idea... felt rose hair pins!

Here's what you need:

felt, glue gun, scissors, bobby pin  

1.  cut out a felt circle.  I traced a circle onto a piece of cardboard first to use as a rough template.  I decided on one that was approximately 1 1/2" in diameter.  

2.  Cut your circle into a spiral.

3.  Start in the middle of your spiral and start rolling all the way around, dotting with glue as you go.  It sounds easy, and it is, but don't get frustrated if it isn't exactly the way you want it on the first try.  As with making any rolled flower, the more you do it the better you get.  Your rose is complete, but we're not done yet!

4.  Cut out a small circle (just eyeball it) to cover the back.  I like to use contrasting colors, but that's just my preference.  

5.  Now.  Take your little circle and slide it into your bobby pin all the way to the back.  

6.  Squirt a big ol' glob of hot glue onto that small circle and bobby pin and stick it onto the back of your cute little rose.

7.  Voila!  Love on a bobby pin.

Thanks for reading - I think you're special!  If I could, I'd make one for you!