Blog Archive

Waking Wednesday #9

Goodbye Monday and Tuesday, hello Wednesday!  Before we get started recapping all of the amazing talent from last week's party, I want to remind you that my Lucia Design's giveaway ends tomorrow at midnight.  You can enter here.  Also, my friend Jenna of Simply Jenna just opened a new Etsy shop and is giving away the cutest felt flower broach.  It's definitely worth checking out!

Ok.  So last week we had 5 wonderful Waking Wednesday participants, including some new faces I hadn't seen!  They were all great, so I'll just give you a quick recap...

My Life As Prose (I'm sorry, I don't know your name) shared what's been going on in her casa with her new bookshelf and lockers (how very clever!)  I love the gray.  

Jennifer over at the Life of Jennifer Dawn gives you a double whammy with her oh, so cute as a button hair clip and display card tutorial.  If you plan to sell any clips yourself, you'll definitely want to see her displays!

Lisa from The Pursuit of Happiness made the cutest pincushion pillow.  I lurve the fabrics she used and totally want to make a big version of this to use as a floor pillow!

Amanda of The Ivy Cottage gave such a pretty baby shower for her sister.  The chandelier was my favorite!

And Gail over at Can't Stop Making Things shows us how to do the coolest thing in Photoshop!!  She took a photo and, after cutting out the background and removing the color, replaced the black with words!  It really is neat, and she walks you through it so you can do it and then brag about how techy you are.
(This picture is before the words are added in)

Thanks, everyone for participating - you really did a great job!  Don't forget your button!

Now it's your turn:

1.  Become a follower
2.  Post your great ideas
3.  Visit someone else's great idea
4.  Grab a button!

Thanks for stopping by, I'm so glad that you did!