Blog Archive

... and the winner is ...

**Update** Ok, so apparently I have absolutely no idea how to publish my True Random Generator results, but the winner was comment number 1 - Flannery!

Congratulations to Flannery of Three Sisterz (or as the cool people call them, Tres Hermanas) who said: "I love the zebra and green one, but I think my fave is still the mustard and gray!"

This will definitely not be my last giveaway! 
Thank you so much to everyone who participated.  It means a lot to me that you would invest some of your {precious} time in my little bitty blog. 

Although I don't have anything even resembling a tutorial for you today, you're not leaving here empty handed.  Here's some cuteness for the road...

here's my little man reading the Bible...what? 
He can totally read.

...and here is one of the cutest videos I've seen.  My husband is convinced our son is going to learn to do this - he already has the bike picked out!

Have a great Thursday everyone!  If you work outside of home - just think, your week is almost over!  If you work at home... well... you're week's never over... but it's wonderful, isn't it?!