Workouts for Weeks 5-6

photo by Mrflip
The next few weeks are all about unilateral training and increasing the cardio. You might notice that I'm training most of the body parts once but with a bit more intensity (and weight).

I only have an hour in the gym in the mornings and I am experimenting with 30 minutes of weight training and the remaining 30 minutes of cardio, plus I will add an additional 45 minute cardio session in the evening.

My left arm is much stronger than my right. It's the side where I carry my 1 year-old the most so that makes sense.

In the next two weeks, I'll work the right side of the body a bit harder to increase its strength.

On cardio and Abs days I will also two 45-60 minute cardio sessions.

Week 5
Monday/Friday - Upper Body; Wednesday - Lower Body
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday - Cardio and Abs

Week 6
Monday/Friday - Lower Body; Wednesday - Upper Body
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday - Cardio and Abs

Upper Body
Incline DB Flyes: 15reps; 12reps; 10reps; 8reps; To Failure

Two-Arm DB Rows: 15; 12; 10; 8; To Failure

Alternating DB Press: 15; 12; 10; 8; To Failure

Alternating Hammer Curls: 15; 12; 10; 8; To Failure

Alternating Lying DB Extension: 15; 12; 10; 8; To Failure

Lower Body
Unilateral Lying Leg Curl: 15; 12; 10; 8; To Failure

Unilateral Leg Extension: 15; 12; 10; 8; To Failure
Unilateral Leg Press: 15; 12; 10; 8; To Failure

Unilateral Seated Calf Raises: 15; 12; 10; 8; To Failure

Did you know this summer Madonna will turn 50? That's a woman who knows how to take care of her body. Love her or Hate her, she is definitely a inspiration.

Mad Libs also turns 50 also.