Feeling Alone and taking care of business

photo by Linda'smanymuses

With much thought and consideration I have decided to end my raw food fit challenge.

No, I haven't decided to stop eating raw foods nor have I decided to stop exercising. Both I will continue to do.

I just have decided not to make it a focus on my life right now.

If I don't feel like waking at 5:30 a.m. to go workout I won't. It's no longer a "have-to" to maintain a goal. More than likely I will continue to wake up because that's pretty much the only time I can workout.

But anyhoo.

My attention is needed at home.

My husband, the person I have gained the most inspiration from, and I are not playing well together.

The complications he and I are having are not going away and it's not making my personal goal fun anymore.

Our growing distance is not making anything fun anymore.

Feeling alone in a marriage is very disheartening and I can fairly say that my husband and I both have that in common.

It's time to take care of business on the home front.

I will continue to blog, maybe not on a daily basis but frequently enough.

Please feel free to continue to leave comments, send me emails, say hello.

I am still an Internet junkie.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support at Inspiration:Life I look forward to sharing more of my adventures with you.

Peace and Love,
