Two things I learned today is: I still hate lunges and the counter guy at my gym is a dirty old man.
I was starting my workout when the counter guy asked me how long I ran on the treadmill and what type of weight training I was doing. It was short and sweet and he asked me to come see him after my workout. Sure, no problem.
Of course, I thought what could he want? Maybe he wanted to commend on my workout routine or ask me to help someone out with weights or countless other things.
Do you want to know what this dirty old man wanted? He wanted to ask me if I was wearing a good support bra while running on the treadmill. He was just checking to make sure I had enough support. Whatever, you perv.
If I look grumpy, I am. If for no other reason than the counter guy at my gym is a perv. And that's kind of bumming me out.
Looking at the photo, my body is a far cry from where I began in December. I can't wait to see what body shape the weight training and 100 percent raw will do. With each workout, I am striving to make it better than the last.
Yes, I might complain about being sore,. waking up at the crack of dawn and having to do stupid lunges but I'm very excited to see the outcome.
Weight Training -Lower body
DB Squats: 15/10; 12/12; 10/15; 8/20; 15/15
Leg Presses: 15/115
Straight-Leg Deadlifts: 15/10; 12/12; 10/15;8/20; 15/15
DB Lunges: 15/12
Standing Heel Raises: 15/12; 12/15; 10/20; 8/25; 15/15
Seated Calf Press: 15/105
20 minutes running on treadmill
1 hour of rebounding during ANTM
I feel like I'm eating constantly and from the looks of it, I am.
From reading Oxygen Magazine, (btw, it has replaced Bon Appetit as my new favorite mag), eating many mini meals is the way to go.
On the Menu:
5:30A lemon water with MSM
9A salad (green leaf lettuce/carrots/scallions/2 tbsp hemp protein powder/pumpkin seeds/1 tbsp olive oil/lemon) with 1/4 cup hummus
11A flax crackers
1:30P green smoothie (spinach/celery/2 tbsp hemp protein powder/3 bananas)
3:30P salad (green leaf lettuce/carrots/scallions/sprouts/jalapeno/2 tbsp hemp protein powder/1 tbsp olive/balsamic vinegar)
5P green smoothie (extra from previous smoothie)
6P Miso broth with Seaweed and onion