photo by solglimit/sungleam
On Today's Menu:
1 quart spinach/celery/carrot
1 quart grapefruit juice
1 quart prune water
8 oz soaked prunes
Do you ever have those days where all you want to do is hang out and smile and laugh and be happy? Today is that day for me.
The Netflix Workout Today:
I worked out for the first time since Friday. I had major kick-a** energy. It was great! I loved to be able to move and jump and kick and such.
It was 53 minutes of high -energy. Gotta love that Billy Blanks.
I worked out so hard I was coughing up phlegm. Well, as they say 'better out than in.'
Speaking of "out" I go in for my COLONICS today.
I didn't want to admit it but I'm kind of nervous. Not fearful but kind of hesitant of that unknown. It's not everyday you have someone stick something up your. . . well you get it.
I know I'll be fine. No one has really died from colonics.
I'll let you know about that experience tomorrow. Maybe provide photos. I am so very kidding.
I discovered the impact of juice feasting last night at the Raw Utopia rawluck. There were 8 people in attendence and only ONE person was eating the food.
Everyone else was juice feasting or in my case eating prunes. How fun is that?
Speaking of prunes, Ben Kaelan and Dhammala, asked how I like them.
The soaked prunes don't taste too bad. The texture is just wrong! They are too mushy. ;0
Thank you to:
Stacey, Kathy , Sheba Wheeler , Sarah , Dhammala , Ben Kaelan , Keely , Linda in the Raw and Hanlie for your rawsome comments. You all Rawk!
Stacey, Kathy , Sheba Wheeler , Sarah , Dhammala , Ben Kaelan , Keely , Linda in the Raw and Hanlie for your rawsome comments. You all Rawk!
I was thinking about what to do with this blog now that I'm not juice feasting. I have to give that some thought and I will share that tomorrow as well.
Peace and Love,