My friend Tai-Kiah has asked me to post something a bit more cheery to move forward with.
Please forgive the broken record, but again I want to thank all who have supported me and read my blog and even in my insane times have found inspiration in what I have written.
Thank you so very much.
So what have I been doing in the past three days? Well, for starters, I haven't stopped working out, my diet has been a bit laxed, more on that in a moment but I have worked out even more than before. Also, I have been speaking with my husband. This is a good thing since we haven't spoken a full sentence in about three weeks. We are working it out, slowly but surely.
Thank you so very much.
So what have I been doing in the past three days? Well, for starters, I haven't stopped working out, my diet has been a bit laxed, more on that in a moment but I have worked out even more than before. Also, I have been speaking with my husband. This is a good thing since we haven't spoken a full sentence in about three weeks. We are working it out, slowly but surely.
Monday, April 7
Incline DB Press: 15reps/10lbs; 12reps/12lbs; 10reps/15lbs; 8reps/20lbs; 15reps/12lbs
DB Flyes: Push-ups (no weight) 15reps
Incline DB Rows: 15/8; 12/10; 10; 8; 15
Straight Arm Pulldowns: 15/30
Lateral Raises: 15/5; 12/8; 10/5; 8/5; 15/5
DB Shrugs: 15/20
Concentration Curls: 15/5; 12/8; 10/10; 8/12; 15/10
EZ Bar Curls: 15/bar
DB Kickbacks: 15/5; 12/8; 10/10; 8/12; 15/10
Lying EZ Bar Extension: 15/bar
1 hour rebounding in the evening
Tuesday April 8
AM - 1 hour Elliptical machine
Incline DB Press: 15reps/10lbs; 12reps/12lbs; 10reps/15lbs; 8reps/20lbs; 15reps/12lbs
DB Flyes: Push-ups (no weight) 15reps
Incline DB Rows: 15/8; 12/10; 10; 8; 15
Straight Arm Pulldowns: 15/30
Lateral Raises: 15/5; 12/8; 10/5; 8/5; 15/5
DB Shrugs: 15/20
Concentration Curls: 15/5; 12/8; 10/10; 8/12; 15/10
EZ Bar Curls: 15/bar
DB Kickbacks: 15/5; 12/8; 10/10; 8/12; 15/10
Lying EZ Bar Extension: 15/bar
1 hour rebounding in the evening
Tuesday April 8
AM - 1 hour Elliptical machine
AM- walk my daughter to school 1 mile total
50 crunches
100 side crunches
50 bicycles
PM - 2 mile (each way) walk to the library with my 8-year old daughter - 4 miles total
Wednesday April 9
50 crunches
100 side crunches
50 bicycles
PM - 2 mile (each way) walk to the library with my 8-year old daughter - 4 miles total
Wednesday April 9
Lower Body
Smith Squats: 15/65; 12/75; 10/85; 8/95; 15/95
Leg Extensions: 15/80
Leg Curls: 15/10; 12/20; 10/30; 8/20; 15/10
Good Mornings: 15/EZ bar
Seated Calf Raises: 15/90; 12/90; 10/90; 8/90; 15/90
I'm not going into great detail about my diet. It's been clean for the most part.
There might have been a few cooked indulges along the way. It's more in the lines of brown rice to go with my lettuce wraps and kimchi. I thought maybe the rice would make me feel full. Maybe a few cooked lentils and bowl of hot miso broth with fresh vegetables. Nothing major.
The more I work out the hungrier I have become and the salads and smoothies weren't satisfying me.
Another thing to note with the exercises are I have switched to the Elliptical machine for my cardio.
photo by legolam

I'm trying to get rid of my baby pooch and so I'm upping the cardio to at least 45 minutes a sessions (time willing) and lowering the fat consumption a bit. Instead of one avocado with a salad, I'll eat half and save the other half for the next day.
I have read and heard so much different information about getting rid of that lower belly pudge, I don't know what to think.
Some places say no problem, just do a ton of cardio and eat a low fat diet, others say reduce your stress level and the fat will disappear and yet others say, it will never go away and liposuction is the only way.
Oy Vay!
It is safe to say I'm watching my fat, doing cardio like crazy, lifting weights, I'm not getting liposuction and I'm drinking tons of water so it's very possible I might float away.
No worries, I'm enjoying every step of the way. ;)