photo by bridgepix

I'm such a creature of habit. Too much so from the looks of my menu. It makes life easier if I eat the same thing. I know what to purchase, how long it takes to prepare, etc.

But for the past two days, I'm a getting kind of bored with my menu. I guess it's time to take a look at The Daily Raw Cafe and find more dining options.

I want to be able to have some greens in every meal so I think wraps and rolls are in my future.

On the Menu:
5:30A: 1 quart lemon water with MSM

8:30A: 1 quart green smoothie (kale/celery/bananas/hemp protein powder/bee pollen)

Noon: large salad (green leaf lettuce/scallions/jalapeno/broccoli/sprouts/hemp protein powder/lemon/olive oil

2P: 1 quart green smoothie

3P: 3 oranges

4P: broccoli/carrots

6P: 1 quart green smoothie

Before bed 1 quart lemon water with MSM

45 minutes on treadmill total

1st session 20 minutes running

Abs 50x each
Crunches on Large Ball

Crunches (with 6lb medicine ball) on Large Ball

Legs on Large Ball Ab Crunches

2nd session 25 minutes