photo by Thomas Hawk
As a child I hated to run in school. More importantly, I hated to lose. Especially to the cute, popular pig-tailed, Debbie. A girl who had the ability to run around the elementary track with ease and grace and always first.
I would watch as her two braids play chase each other behind her back and the rubber-banded ends lightly touched at her waist. Okay, I might have been obsessed with her hair, also. It was just so long.

photo by Sugar T
There was one time when I actually came in first and just when I was about to share the glory with the coach when she mentioned she was feeling sick and that's why I won.
Okay, I'm over it.
I want to run again. I want the carefree abandonment I received before Debbie, before mom's smoking made life polluted and stinky, before having kids, yada, yada, ya.
About a month before I started my juice feast, I decided to give running a try on the treadmill. I would walk for 5 minutes, run for 1 minute. I would increase the running time every week, depending on my energy level.
I continued to do this through the feast, which worked to my advantage because I had wicked crazy energy.
When I completed the juice feast I was able to run 30 minutes straight on the treadmill without stopping. Yeah me! I'm a runner!
Not quite.
With the weather warming up a bit, I wanted to test the legs outside. I can run on the treadmill so the park should be a breeze, right? Wrong! So very wrong.
I'm pretty much starting over. I'm learning how to become a runner. Why? Just cause.
I'm at the point of my life where I have the energy, stamina, drive, passion and confidence to make anything possible.
photo by mrhayata I want to help that kid (the one I was) realized that running is something we can do again for the sheer enjoyment.

But I tell you what. It's hard. I walked 3 minutes, ran for 1 minute and the wind, cold and hard surface, kicked my butt.
During the 3 minute walk of recovery, I felt winded, frozen and jolted.
During the 1 minute walk, I felt energized, focused and free. I had a ball!
I had to push myself to run those last 10 seconds the first few times but after that it was "Kool and the Gang."
For the first time in a very long time I didn't think of anything but my feet touching the ground.