Do you ever wonder why I use a head of lettuce in my salads? Yes, to fill myself with the tasty amino acids but more importantly to feed the kids.

99.9% of the time after I prepare lunch for my two youngest children, I settle down to eat my salad then tiny fingers manage to make their way to my bowl.

It never fails. One will call "mama" to get my attention then the other grabs my broccoli, lettuce or carrots. Then that one will get my attention and the other plays bandit.

It's cute and they get their vegetables, so it's all good.

On the Menu:
5:30A: 1 quart lemon water with MSM

8:30A: 1 quart green smoothie (spinach/celery/bananas/orange/hemp protein powder/bee pollen)

10A: 4 chickpea fritters

11:30A: 1 quart green smoothie (spinach/celery/bananas/hemp protein powder/bee pollen)

12:30P: large salad (green leaf lettuce/scallions/jalapeno/hemp protein powder/lemon/olive oil.
2:30P: Lara Bar

4:30P: Large bowl of Seaweed and Kimchi with Kelp Noodles

6P: 1 quart smoothie

45 minutes on treadmill total

1st session 20 minutes running

Abs 50x each
Crunches on Large Ball

Crunches (with 6lb medicine ball) on Large Ball

Legs on Large Ball Ab Crunches

2nd session 25 minutes