I've had a fairly exhausting week and have taken a bit of a technology break for a couple days. of course for me that doesn't include cameras.
Brando and I actually got to go to the beach on saturday! I can't tell you how much I love the ocean. I'm from an island, it's born in us. the sound of the waves, the sea-salt smell, the extensive electric blue. it felt so good to run around barefoot in the sand. I would never be able to live too far from an ocean.
and yes, those are my impossibly pale legs.
dress- vintage, birthday gift fr. Brandon // cardigan- zara // shoes- seychelles // belt- fr. outfit
so you know those amazing vintage dresses I was pining over? Brando got me one for my birthday! I'm the luckiest (don't worry, it wasn't one of the $300 ones!).
it really needs to be tailored as it's a tad large and too long, but I couldn't wait to wear it. besides, if I hem it, I lose the prettiness at the bottom!
all these lovely, midi-length skirts and dresses that I'm craving are making me want to invest in a petticoat. yes, I believe I would be a very happy petticoat girl.
playing: kiss with a fist- Florence + the Machine