We sent Heather off on Tuesday morning for her first Girls' Camp experience. Her bag was a little heavy, but she carried it! Many of the older girls were already up getting the camp ready, so Heather had a car and movie all to herself with Sister Tomsik. We can't wait to hear about her week when she returns on Friday!

After seeing Heather off, we picked Sarah up and met Trish at Corner Bakery for her birthday. The girls were so cute in their own booth. When presents were opened, they sang to Trish over the bench.

Jen and Sarah hung out for the rest of the afternoon. Jenna went to the School Closure Committee meeting with me, we got McDonald's for dinner, and we went to Baskin Robbins for $1 scoops. At about 9:45 p.m., we met back up with Trish and drove to Michelle's house to watch the SYTYCD results from last week. We were up so late, but it was so fun.