- for all of my mom's help and Greggie's endless play with True + Bella
- for the way John takes care of us
- for new websites and loving it so.
- for long hot, hot baths in the middle of the night when everyone else is sleeping
- for old friends forgiving my carelessness
- for almost zero travel plans for the rest of the year
- for my new love of loose tea made french press style
- for being witness to other people standing in the center of their gifts and serving those gifts up to the world for our taking, our nourishment, our inspiration, our transformation. There is nothing more inspiring or moving to me than being witness to another who has found their truth, is living that truth, and offering it up for another in the spirit of serving, inspiring, changing peoples lives. This is exactly how I felt while at her concert recently - in total awe of her talent and her offerings and so honored to have been transformed by her music, her gift.