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Sorry, sorry, sorry....

I haven't posted for a while, I have been a little eldest daughter and her boyfriend have flown the coop. I know I said that this is what I have been waiting for but it still feels strange when it happens. They have found a fab place with amazing views of the harbour...well lovely peaks of the harbour actually but what a fun first place!!!

This is all I am able to show you now, as my daughter it turns out, is as obsessive as me when it comes to not showing her place until it is is a hard lesson to learn that a place is never perfect or finished!

Sorry they are only blurry twilight shots of the view from their flat that is all I could cope with due to my exhaustion on my last run over there with the last few boxes.

It has been a busy week and an even busier weekend. As the young ones do, they decided to not get a removalist instead they had me!!! YEP... me and them....we moved a LOT of VERY HEAVY things!!! I gave them one of the leather sofas in the family is is is had to go up three flights of stairs and then it had to fit through the door......... it got stuck half way through...... but desperation and some more manoeuvring got it through.........I was not taking it back down three flights of stairs!!!!!

So they have already been out and bought a great floor lamp to set it off.......
This is very cool, I think they will end up with quite a modernist look, quite different from my own but a style I still love and am drawn to. I just hope that they explore their design options and get out and source some great second hand products to get a more authentic modernist look rather than purchasing it all as repros.

Well my sore back and I will leave you for now but I have some exciting news coming up in a few days time....stay tuned!