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Home sweet home..

Hello my darlings! I am finally back after what feels like an eternity of time away from you, and I am so thrilled to be typing this very first post as a resident of my beloved Sweden. Yay!

via Corbis RF

Before I dive deeper into this post, I want to thank my dear Kerry once more for her wonderful 'send-off-post'. I can't tell you how many times I read it and cried - Kerry it was written so well and really touched my heart! xx

 Original image via Pinterest. Edited by me

The move (and all that came with it) is thankfully behind me now and I am in some sort of 'transitional stage' of nesting and adjusting to living in Sweden. Most people probably expect me to already feel at home since I was born here but the truth is that both the country and I have changed so much in the 23 years I have lived abroad that I am faced with a somewhat 'mind-messing' (technical term..) task of re-discovering a familiar place.. I have a sense of 'belonging' but not quite 'fitting in'. This is not necessarily a bad thing..

  via Fancy

Just over a week ago we got the keys to our new place - a two story apartment in a small block of flats in a leafy and tree lined street. The rooms are flooded with natural light with typically white walls and tall ceilings. 
Since my husband is still based in Sydney for work reasons (sob sob!) we are currently running two complete households which means that my 'Swedish nesting budget' is vastly restricted. At this stage our place is a functional yet rather 'bare shell' of what will be our home for the next 12-18 months (before we head on out into the 'great big world again'..). Of course there  has been a long list of essential 'new-buys', but I have also tried to make good use of what I had stored away here in Sweden since I left. As such we are living with an eclectic mix of pieces that I am trying to  mould together into a reasonably eye-pleasing end result.. It will certainly not be a 'show home' but that is not my aim. Instead I am focusing on creating a homely and cozy base from which we can launch into our 'Swedish adventure'.

via Nicho Södling

So that's the state of affairs from my corner of the world for now.. I am spending most of my time ensuring the kids are happy & calm after a very trying few weeks of good-byes, packing, general stress & unsettledness. I miss you all very much and am so looking forward to a time (in the not too distant future..!) when I can finally plonk myself down on one of my beloved Swedish antique kitchen chairs and start blogging for real!

Until then.. I am sending you lots of big warm hugs from my beautiful Sweden! I get chills of joy down my spine typing that.. :)

xx Charlotta