After the inaugural ride, the BMVW developed a loud grinding noise in the transmission. After picking up a new Clymer manual I decided to tear into it earlier this week. Here are some of the unfortunate pictures.
This is the fluid that came out of the driveshaft. The particles are non-magnetic, so they must be aluminum shavings from somewhere in the driveline (not good).

So it was time to take the entire driveline off and apart and see what's going on in there.

With the transmission on the bench I had to start making the special tools to take it apart. First up is the flange puller. I completed the lathe work on it last night. Hopefully this weekend I'll finish it up.

Initial observations seem to point to a bad bearing on the output shaft of the trans. I can see scoring inside the lip of the output flange where it's been rattling around, and the flange has play in it which it should not. The final drive looks ok, but with all the shavings it should come apart anyway while it's out.