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Arty Jewelry III: Eye-Pin Loop Tutorial

Every now and then it's fun to share a tutorial with my readers, and I thought you also might enjoy getting a brief glimpse into my soon-to-be-released eBook, Arty Jewelry III.
This effort has been a huge "labor of love," involving hundreds of photographs and months of concentrated writing and editing. Arty Jewelry III is much more than just a collection of tutorials: It's a real book with introductory text, lots and lots of information (with photos) on tools and basic techniques such as the one shown below, and nine original jewelry projects stepped out in detail with hundreds of close-up photography. It's a real book, but it is not printed. Arty Jewelry III is an eBook.
Here's a tiny sampling of what you can expect, from the "Basics" section:
Making Simple Eye-Pin Loops
Take hold of a wire piece in a pair of round-nose pliers. The placement on the tool where you grasp the wire will determine the eye-pin loop’s size.
Bend the wire over firmly until the wire end touches.
Switch to chain-nose pliers and bend the wire back sharply. This is known as “breaking the neck.”
Reinsert the round-nose pliers and bend the loop forward just a bit, until it is centered on the straight wire piece and resembles a lollipop.
As you can see, I start by giving you the instructions and then follow them with a nice close-up photo so you can copy the step and compare your results with mine. This is one of the best ways to learn; I actually feel that live workshops are the very best way, followed closely by instructional DVDs. But my eBooks are written and produced in such a way that they're almost as good as a live workshop.
Arty Jewelry III will be available for download soon; I hope by the end of this month. You'll be able to get it at and, as well as through Apple's iBookstore. For now, you can order my other two terrific eBooks in my Arty Jewelry series: Arty Jewelry and Arty Jewelry II. Both were published earlier this year, so they're brand new!
If you don't have a kindle or a nook device, this is no problem. Amazon and Barnes and Noble both provide really easy ways to download their software apps that turn your smartphone, computer (Mac or PC), iPad, etc. into an eReader. Here are the links:
I hope you enjoy reading and learning from my eBooks. I sure love writing them, and I really appreciate all the positive feedback I've received so far from my readers!
Happy wrapping,