About Me


My name is Teresa, and I'm an aspiring makeup/hair stylist. I'm not sure how to write a blog or where to begin, or if there is a certain way, so I'll just start, and hope for the best. :)  I am a dreamer and a believer. I think that you can be whatever you dream to be.  You just have to keep dreaming and keep believing, and follow thru.  It's not always easly, and I am a prime example.  As of this moment, I am striving to achieve the dream of being an artist. Being an artist is one of the hardest things to keep believing in because it's youre soul you are baring, and it's out there for everyone to judge even yourself. And you are the hardest critic of them all. Sometimes it's hard to keep going when you feel as if nothing is happening, and things seem stagnant, and you're running in circles just trying to survive, and you just feel like giving up. These are the days when you have to grab on to whatever inspires you, and hold on tight.  You can have many inspirations.  My sister Jane and my son Brogan our my two main inspirations.  I keep going because of them. There are so many things I could say about the both of them, but there are no words that can describe. I love them more than life itself, and I would do anything for them.  Thank you Sis for everything you've done. And I promise we will make it happen! :D


I recently moved from Texas to Seattle to chase these dreams. 