Blog Archive

new website!

So excited to show you the new and improved version of my website! Many thanks to Leah of LeahCreates who helped with the redo (she also did my new online shop awhile back!)! I love love the new homepage!!

We also updated all of the interior pages, changed out all of the photos, and added a few new pages (like the licensing page, the resources page, and more!). Although I still have a bit more updating to do (including credits to photographers, etc), it's mostly done and I'm loving the new look! We're tackling a blog redo next - coming soon. 

embrace change - affirmation 72dpi
Embrace Change, available here.
 In other news, I've been making art and I think I need to make art every single day. I just love it. Time stands still, I pause for freedom, for stillness, for inspiration and my heart breathes its fullness into the work - a welcomed and needed release of love, of creative energy, of a life unfolding.

I am so lucky to do what I do. Thank you, universe, for making it so.

I feel like I have so much to tell you: about recent travels, about seeing girlfriends, about my parents living with us at the moment, about baby True babbling and almost walking and sleeping longer in the mornings now that we've discovered the wisdom of darker curtains, and so much more. Stick with me....more coming soon.


Come join us for a life changing, business growing, joy jumping experience! It all starts 8/7/11. Don't miss it! This will be the ONLY time I offer this popular ecourse this year...see you there!