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Doghouse Dispatch

It's me Moose.  I know you have been sorely disappointed by my lack of posting as of late.  I hope you haven't cried too much or rended your garments in a serious way.  Remember that wee bit 'o ear trouble I was having in my last post?  (I know you do and I know that you've been praying daily for my health because I am a great dog and I totally deserve it and if you haven't been praying that's ok 'cause maybe you've been like sending good vibes my way because not everyone believes the same way spiritually,man, but if you haven't been doing either one then I am very disappointed in you and hurt besides)

(And if you are thinking that's a run-on sentence then you can just stop the judgement.  It is hard enough to type without thumbs let alone worry about proper grammer)

Anyway.  My ears didn't get better, and the old stick-my-ear-in-a-sock-and-duct-tape-it-to-my-head trick stopped working.  By the way, it stopped working because I dug the sock off my ear every time.  YOU try having something duct taped to you and see how comfy it is.  Despite visiting the vet every few weeks and having all manner of drops and washes put in my ears multiple times a day they still didn't get better.  And you can bet I fought like HELL when they tried to put those drops in...heh heh.  And because my ears didn't get better on the inside, they didn't get better on the outside either.  After several more episodes of CSI-like blood splatter on the walls I could only be either outside or stuck in my crate.

For 6 months.

Yeah, it kinda sucked all around.  I missed my skin family, and they missed me.  We tried a new vet and after a few more rounds of antibiotic and some kind of crazy ear gel - I'm healed!!  Last month my ears finally healed enough that I could come back inside, and just last week the vet pronounced me completely infection-free.  The skin family says that whoever said dogs were expensive wasn't kidding.

So now I get to do my favorite thing all the time - play with my skin brothers.  We play fun games like "dogcatcher," "chase the dog," "try to ride the dog," "tie random things on the dog," and my personal favorite, "dress up like knights and smack the dog in the butt with foam swords because he's the dragon"

I like these games VERY VERY MUCH but sometimes I get tired and need to rest.  I'm not supposed to be on the couch but it looks really comfy, so I compromise by only putting part of myself on it:

Sadly, I'm still told to get off the couch.  They just don't understand.

If you'd like to send me a large lump sum of cash for toys I just want you to know that I'll take it.  I will also accept any and all packages containing edibles.  Oh, and lottery tickets - gotta play that lotto.  When I win I'm going to buy myself a dog-knight's costume and one hell of a foam sword.because every dog has his day.