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"I almost wish we were butterflies..."

"I almost wish we were butterflies and liv'd but three summer days - three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain." -- John Keats

I've had such a lovely, incredible day today. We didn't end up going out yesterday evening, as my poor mommy got sick. But she was feeling all better today so we had a fun day out shopping, getting pizza, and riding go-karts! I swear, those things are super fun but they scare the heck out of me, haha. I found the most adorable little black dress for just thirteen bucks, and it's totally makes me feel like Audrey Hepburn. I just adore beautiful, summer days spent with my family, and today was wonderful.

 This white dress is so versatile, and it's perfect for summer. The locket I'm wearing was a gift from my grandma a few years back, and while I don't wear it all that often, I think it's beautiful and was so thoughtful of her. The other day I was trying to think of something to put in it, and I don't have any little photos to cut into heart shapes, I thought I could write down a little line or verse and put it in there. I did a line from Peter Pan, "To love will be an awfully big adventure." It was on the teeny tiniest piece of paper, but it still didn't fit. Oh, well!

I'm watching Becoming Jane right now, and it's one of my favorite movies. I know it's not entirely accurate at all, but I love it anyway. It gets me crying every single time, as do most Jane Austen films. If you haven't seen it before you should. It's just wonderful.

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Maria E.

dress: forever21
belt: vintage
heeled oxfords: target
ankle socks: charlotte russe
hat: thrifted
locket: gifted
bag: vintage, for sale in my shop here, listing # 2

Celebrating First Light

Tonight I'll be celebrating the festival of First Light. In this land of Aotearoa, the inanga (whitebait) are wriggling their way up the rivers.
We too will be listening to the new life that is young and wriggling inside after the hibernation of winter.
The yellow flowers will be set in the south, where in Celtic tradition we find the element of earth (reversed for our southern hemisphere). In the west lies water, signified tonight with this blue vessel and white sea shells. To the Celts, First Light, which is half-way between winter solstice and spring equinox, is the festival of the fire goddess Brigid, who is associated with creativity, poetry and healing.
Tonight the candles will be lit in honour of Brigid. And as an extra element, here is the Chinese goddess of compassion, Kuan Yin, for we will be invoking healing and compassion for absent friends, and all those in trouble at this time.
Kuan Yin is said to be 'She Who Sees and Hears the Cries of the World'.
This is a festival of gentleness, welcoming back the light, and letting it support the blossoming of hope.

Gone fishin'


New line acting fussy.

It's been a very busy and productive summer this year. The one crummy bit has been the lousy Oregon weather. We have had a few nice days here and there, but this weekend, we finally had some real summer weather. I decided that Matt and I had to go do something that would maximize the weather so we went fishing. We went to the St. Louis Ponds, actually not too far from where we got married in '07. Perfect weather. Do you think we caught anything?




Peaceful. I saw two big fish heads pop out of the water and I swore, a little turtle's head. :)



Matt's the fishing expert.



Well... we didn't catch anything, but we sure had a great time and it was a good break from plugging and chugging away. By the way, 2012 is shaping up to be an amazing year. We have so much that we are working on but I can't tell you yet what it is, so I hope you can be patient and be sure to keep checking back throughout this next year!

first words are "mama" and "light"

Girls nite out with my mama
My mom and I are heading to the Brandi Carlile concert tonite - it's outside, at one of the lovely zoo concerts here in Portland. John surprised us with tickets last week which made my heart melt. He's always doing stuff like that. Today he kicked all of us out of the house to go shopping so that he could clean the house. I know, right?

My parents, who recently moved to Portland from FL (we are so lucky!), are living with us until they find a house. We've all settled into a summer routine of enjoying the amazing NW weather (it's finally summer around here!), and doing fun things with True. It's so hard to believe that last summer I was pregnant and this summer we have a 10 month old who is ON THE MOVE.
Omg. I can't believe how fast we made it to toy car already. Soooo cute!

True is saying a couple of words, mainly "mama" and "light" - those two things over and over and over. I love having my parents here and having them be a part of his routines and his everyday life - feeling really blessed.

(had to share this with you - cutest little baby birds in their nest - found in manzanita, oregon)
First date night since true was born. Crazy love
John and I went for our first date night in 10 months (since babe was born) a couple of days ago - sooo fantastic. We had pasta, then out for dessert, then a drive, then a walk. We savored every moment. The truth is is that we are so busy over here with life and business and family and work. I'm starting to wonder how anyone has time to do anything, and we have just one kid! Yesterday I had an hour or so to sit on the back deck and flip through a HUGE stack of magazines that have been piled up for months. It felt like heaven, that little break from work, responsibilities, obligations.

Life feels full over here...trying to hang on and go for the ride while savoring all the moments so that I don't miss the  sweetness of  it all.


Come join us for a life changing, business growing, joy jumping experience! It all starts 8/7/11. Don't miss it! This will be the ONLY time I offer this popular ecourse this year...see you there!

Style Tips/Inspiration|Arstcrylique Mode's summer selection

A super fast sunday post
Here looks like summer is yet gone. 
It rains hard and the sky is the darkest ever.
The only thing I love to do today is to write my book.
Have a happy sunday, wherever you are!


Un velocissimo post domenicale.
Qui sembra che l'estate se ne sia già andata.
Piove forte ed il cielo è il più scuro ch'io abbia mai veduto.
L'unica cosa che amo fare oggi è scrivere il mio libro.
Buona domenica a tutti, ovunque vi troviate.

Black boarded!

I keep pinning these great quotes on Pinterest but how can I appreciate them in my home? The answer is a blackboard....I will be able to change them round regularly to suit whatever is happening in our lives at the moment.

The perfect place to put it is on the back of the loo door! That way every time we go in to (cogitate) we will be staring right at that quote!!!

Soooo.... I looked around for a nice frame and found this one in the back of my cupboard, I have never liked the pencil nude in it (I purchased at an auction quite a few years ago, just because it was so cheap.... I must go back to auctions, they are a lot of fun....but I digress)

I didn't like the old gold look though, so I removed the glass and drawing and gave the frame a glaze with silver acrylic paint, let it dry for about 5 minutes and then wiped some of it back. I then cut a piece of thin MDF I had to size and sealed it with Zinser, I then sprayed it with black board paint - I am not sure if I would use the spray paint again as it seemed to take so many coats to get a solid colour, I think the paint on chalk board paint would have been easier but at least it dried quickly.

Then I simply slipped the painted board into the frame and dada!!!!

I also found this nifty little chalk marker at the hardware store, it goes on a bit like a white board marker and comes in different colours. It wipes of with a damp cloth and doesn't leave a chalky residue.

Then I chose a very appropriate quote for me .... and maybe some others in this house.....

4 kg lighter and still going!!!

linking to parties at...
Savy Southern Style
Mod Vintage Life
Delightful Order


Tonight my Grandma (the only Grandmother I've ever known) passed away. My boys lovingly referred to her as Tutu and tomorrow when they wake up, I'll share with them the somewhat unexpected news. But now that it's so early in the morning and I'm still awake, I can't help but feel a deep ache of loss, regret, and sadness over her passing. I usually keep this blog light hearted, but right now my heart feels full and somewhat broken. I know her passing is for the best and she's finally reunited with the love of her life. But still, I can't help but miss this wonderful woman that I named my one and only daughter after.

Dear Grandma,

Two years ago I took you to see one of your most beloved friends, Auntie Abby.
After a wonderful chocolate pie and turkey lunch, I drove the old saddle road to get back to Kona. I never counted on the cops being around, or them clocking me at 87 in a 45. I wondered what you would say when the cop approached the window and I rolled it down. You just looked at me and let out a slight chuckle. "See I told you to slow down," you said without a trace of anger. "But you go and catch the crook."
I laughed at your reference to my speed, tried to talk myself out of that ticket, and failed. The rest of the evening we told our ticket story over and over again to everyone at Uncle Aley's home. I thought the ticket was unjust, but your comment was so funny. Since you never learned to drive, Grandpa drove you every where. I have handfuls of memories of you telling Grandpa, "Eh Daddy, catch the crook." I'm just so happy I finally have my own crook story to share.

Since Grandpa died, you haven't been the same. And I'm sure now you are so happy to be with him once again. And I want you to know even though I broke down at the Walmart tonight when I heard that you passed away, I'm happy for you too.

My one regret is that I didn't listen to the small voice that spoke to me over the last few days, telling me to call. For that I'll be sorry until the day we meet again. You have been a force in my life. I love you always. Erin

Hair Update: July 2011

What have I learned about my hair this month?

I have learned that my hair likes being in a consistent routine. It has taken me two years but I have finally nailed down a consistent regimen that I stick to.

I also learned how I had forgotten that my hair likes a good ole hot oil treatment. When I did this two weeks ago, I washed my hair, applied the hot oil treatment, pulled my hair into a bun for outreach - then rinsed it out and conditioned 2-3 hours later when I got home. My hair was soft and very moisturized. I will try to do this bi-monthly. For my hot oil treatments I use:

  • Water
  • Honey
  • Olive oil
  • Lime Juice

I am also learning that I can do what I need to do with my hair in an efficient way. It doesn’t have to be in all one session and it doesn’t need to take 6 hours! I have been able to nail my shampoo down to 10 minutes (a good thorough shampoo). It goes so fast because I section my hair and use an applicator bottle.

Conditioning and detangling in the shower takes roughly 7-10 minutes with the Giovanni conditioner. Deep conditioning takes the longest at 45 minutes to 1 hour. However, I will be purchasing a dryer cap.

This will shorten my deep conditioning time from 15-20 minutes! I am all about time management these days.

What new products have I used?

Giovanni 50/50 hydrating-calming conditioner.It is marvelous! You can read the product review to see how this product works. I have made a goal not to purchase any new products until I use up what I have, so I have only used one new product!

What new products do I have my eyes on?

I have my eyes on a new shampoo but I am not sure which one! I am still researching. In addition, when I run out of my bioinfusion leave in conditioner I will be purchasing Giovanni triple threat leave in conditioner. I am so pleased with the conditioner that I want the leave in too :)

Have I noticed any growth?

Yes I have. It isn’t even significant to me until I look at old pictures. I must say that moreso than noticing growth, I have noticed a change in my hair health. My hair is very healthy!

Advice for the month?

Get your hair in a routine and regimen. You , and your tresses, will be much happier with life.