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Tights & Boots...again

Today's forecast called for rain (again, 3rd day in a row) and a high of 49 degrees...
I am NOT a happy girl.  But I figured I'd make the most of it and get some more use of my tights and boots before I'm complaining about having to shave my legs EVERY day.  Also, I'd like you to meet "Only Mascara" Bevin.  I was not feeling my usual brown eyeliner and contouring shadows this morning, so I went with a little cream shadow (Benefit's RSVP) and mascara (because I have the palest blonde eyelashes around).  I feel like I look 16 years old, again.  This would normally be awesome for a 24 year old...but I work in a high school.

But this skirt makes up for it it.
cardigan & tights: Target
t-shirt: H&M
skirt: Anthropologie
boots: Born (Dillards)

XOXO Bevin