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Awkward and Awesome Thursday...

- preface: at the beginning of my 2nd period, they have about 5 minutes of free time when they usually read the newspaper.  Today they asked me to explain to them what were "crimes against nature"?  They were reading about a prostitution bust at a local car wash.  Look it up.  I did...and then I changed the subject.
- how "doom and gloom" I was in yesterday's post...I apologize.
- ordering a "vegetarian" black bean burger at Chili's and then the waitress brings it to me, it has two big pieces of bacon on top...
- again at Chili's:  REALLY wanting to order a beer, but waiting for the student, two tables over, to leave...gotta set a good example for the youth of our nation.
- getting overly excited about a possible job prospect (one that would allow me to finally move to NYC) and never hearing back from them...

- the possibility of SUNSHINE this weekend!
- my cerulean nails! (Sally Hansen - Blue me away!) Nothing like a fresh coat of paint to make it all better.
- thinking that I was going to have to cover someone's homeroom this morning, only to find out that isn't the case today!
- the tumblr site whenparentstext...if my parents HAD texting, this would be my life.
- It's OPENING DAY for major league baseball!  Go Braves!
- bite size twizzlers

XOXO Bevin