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Awkward and Awesome Thursday...

- preface: at the beginning of my 2nd period, they have about 5 minutes of free time when they usually read the newspaper.  Today they asked me to explain to them what were "crimes against nature"?  They were reading about a prostitution bust at a local car wash.  Look it up.  I did...and then I changed the subject.
- how "doom and gloom" I was in yesterday's post...I apologize.
- ordering a "vegetarian" black bean burger at Chili's and then the waitress brings it to me, it has two big pieces of bacon on top...
- again at Chili's:  REALLY wanting to order a beer, but waiting for the student, two tables over, to leave...gotta set a good example for the youth of our nation.
- getting overly excited about a possible job prospect (one that would allow me to finally move to NYC) and never hearing back from them...

- the possibility of SUNSHINE this weekend!
- my cerulean nails! (Sally Hansen - Blue me away!) Nothing like a fresh coat of paint to make it all better.
- thinking that I was going to have to cover someone's homeroom this morning, only to find out that isn't the case today!
- the tumblr site whenparentstext...if my parents HAD texting, this would be my life.
- It's OPENING DAY for major league baseball!  Go Braves!
- bite size twizzlers

XOXO Bevin


Bevin's random thought of the day:  "Has anyone else noticed how the marketing and advertising world has gone "-ista" crazy?  Everything is getting an "-ista" added to the end.  I blame Target.  They started it with bringing the word "Fashionista" back into marketing vernacular.  Then, with the recession, you started hearing more "bargainista" and "recessionista" in the world of apparel.  The TJMaxx coined the term "Maxxinista" (gag).  And if I'm not mistaken, Old Navy has recently jumped on the "-ista" bandwagon.  I'm kinda over it.  Just like this weather.  Rain Rain go away!  BUT!  I am feeling much better today than yesterday.  Today's "Awkward and Awesome Thursday" post will explain further. 

Hey look!  I wore a teal shirt again today. ha
 cardigan: Old Navy
teal silk top: The Limited (by way of Rugged Warehouse)
skirt: Gap
shoes: Payless

XOXO Bevin

Paint It Black & Rust

I just can't seem to stop wearing black and rust together. It is my absolute favorite color combination! Or at least for the moment. Even my hair seems to have these colors now that my natural hair color is completely noticeable (dark brown). Oh well! So you're probably wondering what the heck is up with the little white fence in the photos. Well, it's there so that Teddy, our little 1 year old yorkie, doesn't eat the pebbles on the ground. He is just like a little kid, he'll put everything in his mouth, although I've noticed he doesn't do it that much anymore. If you have a doggie than you know that eating rocks can be deadly for them since they can't digest them. I can't wait for the weekend! Do you have anything exciting happening? For me it will consist of hanging out with friends, reading (I'm on book 2, Clash of the Kings, by George R.R. Martin), and watching Mildred Pierce on HBO! She's a very unlikeable character, but it's a very good story! ^,^


dress: U.O.
tights: H&M
shoes: Jeffrey Campbell
bag: vintage Dooney & Bourke found at The L.B. Flea Market
drusy ring: Technibond on HSN
magnifying glass necklace: etsy
bracelets: vintage, ASOS, bought in Mexico
hair clip: unknown, I've had it for many many years
nail polish: Orange Fizz by Chanel


Things That Inspire

Tine K house tour - new pictures..

Hi all. Hope your week is running smoothly and that you are basking in sunlight and good health! 
The other day I came across a gallery of new pictures of Tine Kjeldsen's beautiful home in Denmark, and there had been some fundamental changes to the look & feel of the interior since I last shared images back in October 2009 (HERE).

The earlier contrast and drama created by those glossy black floors have been replaced with a much softer, lighter, more feminine and less strict atmosphere. Though the runner rugs are wonderful, I do have a real weakness for the hallway as it looked 'before'. The floors work particularly well here and I love the idea of a black front door. Especially against the white facade and the stone steps.

There is a lot of 'white on white' in the house after the renovation, and also a little flair of 'Shabby Chic' coming through here in the new hallway. The latter is not my personal favourite but Tine has great taste and I think she has executed it well.
This new and whiter direction feels very close to Tine's early business days when her little interior design shop 'Tine K' first opened in the affluent area of Charlottenlund, Denmark. Back then, her concept was very much 'white on white' with strong French influences.


There is a recurrent appearance different shades of 'plum', 'mauve', and 'thunder greys'. These two seem to have formed the theme for almost every room. Though on one hand I feel it is a little bit too 'safe' to repeat a colour theme in an entire home, Tine has used many different types of materials, textures and objects to create contrast and interest. It may not be for me, but somehow it works here.

Of all the rooms in the house, I think I like the work room leading onto the veranda the most. Here the stark white works well, and though I am a little bit 'over' the so called 'Industrial trend', I wouldn't mind getting my Swedish mittens on that tall chest of drawers. Isn't it just wonderful!?!

I also think this 'family room' with this work station is pretty nice. This would be the perfect place to sit and blog don't you think..!?! :)
The black wall art, the table and the cabinet in the background are all beautiful, and also create a nice anchor for the eye to rest on in this overwhelmingly white room. And that's coming from a Swede..!

This here is Tine herself with her three little blondies - aren't they gorgeous!? The master bedroom was once white with black floors but now a vision in greys, with one Tine's famous quilts draped across the bed. 
Despite the tangible warmth throughout the house, there is also a sense of minimalism coming through. This too is very true to the roots of 'Tine K' and perhaps also a typically Scandinavian trait of interiors. It creates a restful canvas for the often unusual and beautiful objects that Tine collects from all over the world. Add to that the way it magnifies the natural light and you can understand why she took this direction.

The master bathroom is nicely executed with quirky and personal little twists here and there. Despite the boldness, it feels warm, dressed and full of love. I particularly like the idea of that chair next to the bath. Such a wonderful place to sit and chat when one's darling is soaking in the tub.  Or the kids for that matter..!
I also like the way that Tine has used the adorable little window to enhance the composition of the artworks on the wall. Simple and playful. 
Last but not least, note how fun those leather straps are on what seem to be very ordinary cabinets. Such an easy-to-replicate idea when renovating on a shoestring. Not that Tine probably did, but you know what I mean..

The light in the dining room is amazing - such a bright sunny place to share a meal. It is quite clear that the photo shoot of the reno took place in Spring or Summer time, when decor in Scandinavia tends to be scaled back.

For Autumn and Winter, I can see this new room being layered with lovely rugs and perhaps some gorgeous deep grey 'Gotland Sheep' skins on those beautiful Asian chairs. I can also envisage Tine's trademark silver candle stick clusters as a center piece, and a few of those silvery floor lanterns scattered around the room. She is so great with ambience don't you think?!

The very first time I saw Tine's kitchen I loved it, and especially so that wonderful Moroccan silver tray. I have since tracked down similar ones and am determined to pick up a couple (one large and one medium) before the end of Autumn this year!

The new white floors have certainly given the kitchen a lift. Though I didn't dislike the previous black floors, I think this room now feels a little more current. Also, there they are again, those quirky little leather straps. I love them.

Last but not least. Here are some of the old shots from the surrounding garden, and also the famous guest house. All of this is so typically Scandinavian to me, and I can't wait to go home to Sweden to experience a proper Nordic Summer in only a few weeks. Yay!

Hope you enjoyed this my dears.
If you want to see more pictures please click into 'Tine K Home' right HERE.

xx Charlotta

My parade...

My parade has officially been rained on.
 cream cardigan: Target
teal top: Target (Mom's closet)
navy pants: Gap
brown oxfords: Target

See that smile up there ^ well, this was before I walked outside this morning and found that it was POURING again.  I am seriously done.  Over Rain.  I usually like rain when I'm able to stay in the comfort of my own bed. with some hot tea. watching movies.  But, not at 7am when I'm having to get ready to leave the house for work.  So step one was hair: I went with my "embrace the frizz" look and went back in time to high school when I loved "sprunching" my know what I'm talking about.  Step two was the outfit: I, yet again, couldn't wear sandals (sad) and I didn't want to wear tights because if they got wet I would be walking around in wet tights (obvi).  I got to work and work was fine until my body decided to give up and give me a migrane...So we sat in almost darkness in the classroom for the last half of the day.  

I want my sunshine back...and to get a call back for a job for a change.

Whew...sorry to be such a downer.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

XOXO Bevin

Me Oh My

Time's A Tickin'

I've been patiently waiting for Spring to arrive. It's been so cold and rainy since the first day of Spring here in Southern Cali. I can't wait to wear my new Spring purchases, so I pulled out one of them, the straw boater hat in anticipation. I'm also craving a vacation, badly. Fingers crossed that my plans go smoothly, if so I will be going out of the country two to three times this year... I don't want to jinx it so for now I'll keep it to myself. I'm not a superstitious person, but it's little things like these that kind of turn me into a superstitious person. I hope that just made sense. ha. What are you anticipating this season?

black dress: Tulle (one of my designs)
straw boater hat: U.O.
tights: Zara
tapestry wedges: Jeffrey Campbell via Modcloth
hourglass necklace: d.i.y.
moonstone ring: Technibond on HSN
smoky quartz ring: Technibond on HSN
scallop ring: Marika King on etsy
nail polish: Chanel, Orange Fizz


Video: Wire Art Jewelry Workshop

Washed Up, Knitted neck pieces

Rewind back to first year of uni 2009,
when these knitted neck pieces where created.
washed up is the theme with inspiration
from all the washed up items that
line the beach after a big storm.
Made by hand on a knitting machine,
combined with found objects
from the shoreline.

Finished neck piece

Model- Clair Tracey
Photographer- Sharnee Thorpe
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Ten on Tuesday...

This week's Ten on Tuesday c/o Roots & Rings!
And it's ANOTHER food related one!

1.  What is a food that you never thought you would try, but then tried and liked?
I remember the first time I tried Asparagus.  I was terrified, but my mom promised I would like it.  It had just been roasted in a pan in the oven with a little olive oil and salt & pepper.  IT WAS GREAT!  And now I crave asparagus atleast once a week, but you have to wait for it to go on sale because that stuff is EXPENSIVE!

2.  Do you subscribe to any foodie publications?  If so, which ones?
I don't subscribe to any magazines (my mom get's the "Simply Delicious" magazines) but I do love food blogs! 

3.  What ingredient do you find yourself reaching for the most when you cook?
That would be Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Onions.  There is nothing quite like that combination to create a savory dish!

4.  Are there any foods you hated as a child, but then learned to like as an adult?
Well, there are lots!  But to name a few:  fresh tomatoes, raw carrots, brussel sprouts, spinach, onions, pickles.

5.  What do you like to eat that others may consider weird?
I have a lot.  Being that I was chubby chubs (and still am a bit) when I was little, I loved food and weird food combos.  I love peas, and I've found that many hate them.  But I live for small early sweet peas.  My favorite combo when I was little was a little classic Hamburger Helper (macaroni and cheese with ground beef) with peas...mixed together.  On that same note, I loved mashed potatoes, peas, and ketchup mixed together.  To this day though, my favorite dish is the mac n' cheese and peas combo.  Love it.  ALSO, my favorite peanut butter-ish sandwich is a peanut butter, banana, and MAYO sandwich.  Something about the TANG of the mayo with the peanut butter is just amazing to me...I blame my mother.  But this creeps and grosses many people out...oh well.

6.  What is the weirdest ingredient you've ever cooked with?
Being that I am still a new vegetarian (since last October), I am still experimenting with different things and my most recent was with the "fake ground beef" from Morningstar.  The "Beef crumbles" as they are described, are supposed to be used as a substitute for ground beef in recipes.  I'm still not sure how I am supposed to cook with it because there aren't any instructions on the bag!!!  So I'm just "browning" it in a pan as I normally would ground beef...but this stuff is already brown, so I usually just cook it through.  It doesn't taste like ground beef at all and has a bit of a different texture...but it's okay.

7.  Do you have any major food allergies?
Not that I know of THANK GOODNESS.  But I worry that someday I will have a reaction to cheese or chocolate...and then my life will be over.

8.  Is there an ingredient that you would like to cook with, but are intimidated to try?
Well, it's more than ONE ingredient, but I would love to learn to bake bread.  But the whole letting it rise and delicate operation of it all scares me beyond.

9.  Do you bake?
Oh, I LOVE to bake.  In college, I blame the 15 pounds I gained on the fact that Junior and Senior year I had a functioning oven in my apartment.  Brownies, cakes, cookies, etc.  Now, at the homestead, with the 'rents, our oven is crap.  The broiler (top coils) does not work.  So, I don't trust it anymore for "even" baking.

10. If you could go on any "foodie" show to compete, which would it be, and why?
Eek!  I wouldn't go on a "competition" show, but I would love to be a guest on pretty much any of the Food Network shows.  Paula Deen or Giada would be my first choices...because I love Butter, Bread, Pasta, and Nutella.  I would like to be a judge on Top Chef...mostly so I could hang out with Tom Colicchio.

XOXO Bevin

PS.  no outfit post today.  It was boring, I promise.  Trouser Jeans and a sweater...yawn.



Me Oh My

Style Inspiration of the Week


1. Stolen From Grandma
2. Trini
3. Coco Maria
4. It Girl Rag Doll
5. Z's Closet
6. Mary Van Notes


Best lip balm! La Mer's The Lip Balm

I get dry lips all the time. I try not to use too much chapstick or balm because I feel like you get dependent on it. Nevertheless, I've tried about 20 different brands/types of lip products and none ever work quite like I hope. It always feels like the product just sits on the surface and somewhat moisturizes, but not really and I'll still have bits of dry skin on my lips and roughness - not attractive!

I was nearly resolved to the fact that nothing could be done, but then I finally decided to give one more a try. I really like La Mer products but they are spendy. I have been using Creme de La Mer off and on for years. Whenever finances are tight, I cut it out and go for the cheaper moisturizers. After our big project, I decided to finally "treat" myself to some La Mer products - specifically their Lip Balm (And the Radiant Infusion and a little pot of Creme de La Mer). I'd wondered about it for years, but could never justify the cost ($45 for lip balm!!!). I read really good reviews about it and thought - "heck! I'm going to get it!"

I went with the "free" super slow shipping and patiently waited for a week and it arrived about an hour ago and I totally love it. After warming with my fingers and patting on my lips, I could feel all the dry skin melt away... That never happens! It also has a pleasant smell and tastes like sugar. I would have been completely sold on just the dryness being fixed, but it actually filled in fine lines and made my lips plumper. Bonus! Roughness and fine lines - gone. :)

I'm so excited to have finally found "the" product of all products for my lips - the cost is still a bummer but the results make it well worth it. Sorry for this long post on a simple product! I just thought that maybe someone else out there might stumble on this and find it beneficial. ;)

Available at La Mer's website HERE.

Mauritian island home..

Can it get better than this? Your own private island retreat set in tropical paradise.. I think not, and I'd be a very happy Swedish girl if I was to skip across that walkway and into this stunning home..!

This much loved home has been in the family since the 1930s,  and is located on the East coast of Mauritius. Such a heavenly setting don't  you think!?!

Though the villa was recently rebuilt after having been demolished by a cyclone (oh horror!) it has maintained its originality and uniqueness. In fact to me, it doesn't feel like a 'new build' at all and one can tell that a lot of love and heart has gone into re-erecting the home.

I love the mix of modern elements such as the poured concrete floors, and sleek design mixed with local rustic materials, colours and craftsmanship. The simplicity of the design elements and detail are wonderful and there seems to be a seamless relationship between the house and the setting.

The use of organic detail to add warmth and texture works beautifully without over-dressing the beautiful features of the house. And as a typical 'Swede' I must say that I really appreciate the lack of growth and greenery too close to the house because of the wildlife lurking in it.. Since moving to Sydney I have battled many 'un-welcomed creatures' in our home, including possums, lizards and gigantic spiders.. At first I was terrified (OMG the 'spider nightmares'!!), but over the years my courage has grown and I am now able to catch a Huntsman spider without squealing in fear. (pride!)

The house looks inviting and comfy yet has that 'practical simplicity' that I have learned to value since moving to Australia. With the hot & humid weather, sandy feet,  and little bodies smeared with sunscreen things need to be scaled back to feel clean, fresh and inviting. Less is definitely more here!


I love all the bursts of colour. They feel so in tune with the surrounding landscape. Aqua and blues from the ever changing ocean & sky. Lime, tangerine, mango and reds from the abundance of tropical fruits.  Yum yum! 
I think this approach to colour is very true for all international styles of decor - just thinking of my very own 'Swedish Style' and the soft, paired back colour pallets it it is known and loved for.


Yes please! I LOVE lobsters - actually all seafood, except snails & urchins.. - and think I could quite happily live on a diet of just that..! Add to that being able to fish them off the jetty in one's own back yard and then cook them out in the open.. Heaven!

The best news about all of this is that you can actually rent this house.. For more details, just click HERE . And please. make sure you book it outside of cyclone season dearies..!!


Before I go. GRAZIE MILLE  to you dear Julie (aka 'Julie Being Ruby') for the kind award! You're a lovely friend! xx

x Charlotta