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Waking Wednesday #7

Well, hello again!  I hope your feeling better than I am right now.  I'm stuffed.  Like - have to unbutton your pants stuffed.  My brother-in-law and his wife are in town, and I put together a "flat bread night."  It was fun, each couple (there were three) brought their own toppings to put on their flat bread.  Mine was sausage and caramelized onions... if I were one to use text lingo, I would pull out the OMG(oodness) right about now.  It was sooo good.  And now here I am.  stuffed and unbuttoned.

Anyhow, on to more important things.  Take a look at what my girls have been up to...

Jennifer made this too cute to boot ruffled skirt for her - dare I say - even cuter daughter.  This picture totally makes me want a little girl next.  Oh, and she started her own Etsy shop so you too can have an adorably dressed little one!  Congratulations, Jenn!

Shantel made this really cute memory book for her grandson Ryder.  Man, you ladies have some great genes producing such sweeties!  I mean, doesn't his face make you just want to squeeze him?  But I digress.  You did a great job on your book, Shantel!  And might I add, you don't look old enough to be a grandma!

And now for the no-sew curtains.  That's right ladies, one of the most beautiful phrases in the English language - "no-sew" - has just been used to describe window treatments.  Can I get an AMEN?  Nice job!

Thank you ladies for your continued support.  I know it's not much, but I'm so proud to have you in my party.  You're all an inspiration.  

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