Blog Archive

this could be the start of something good...

 Happy 2011, everybody!  Did you have a spectacular first weekend of the new year?  The little one and I soaked up the very last bit of daddy on his vacation.  But alas it is Monday and he returns to the grind.  And I already have a new year to-do list that is growing by the minute.  Number 2 on the agenda:  buy bigger stuff for baby.  My sweet butterball continues to float right off the charts, and at 5 months he has outgrown his car seat ... and his clothes ... and yes, even his changing table.  All I can say is praise the Lord for Craigslist.

So, what's new with Waking Lucia?  Well, as we've established, it's a new year - which means new things. I am happy to announce that some attempt at a regularly scheduled program is going on here.  First on the menu:  Monday Blove.  What is Blove, you ask?

Blog + Love = Blove

Yes, I'm one of those people that combines words.  I apologize - it just happens.  At any rate, this is the day that I introduce a great newly discovered blog.  Just another way to keep ourselves inspired.
So let's get started.  Today's Blove:

found here

Lovely Kimberlee of Adelaide, Australia posts about anything and everything.  Her taste in design is impeccable (check out her lovely living room), and her style of writing makes every post fun to read.

She manages to find the cutest things to post about.  Like this ADORABLE cake she found and had made for her son's Christening party.

But what really takes the cake :-) is she imparts her great sense of style to you through her online shop Brown Button Trading.  

So if your in the market for a new blog to add to your inspiration list, this would be the one.  Thanks, Kimberlee!  We're big fans.

*Update*  If you get featured on Blove, grab a button!