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Still confused...

I've spent most of my weekend planning our Xmas drinks (on the 10th) and decorating. I've organised the menus, got our xmas decorations out...I am still confused though about what to do with those decorations. I was thinking of steering away from tradition this year and trade our xmas tree for something a bit different, perhaps a bit more modern...Children though have a mind of their own, don't they? My son's idea of tree is big, green and traditional with lots and lots of fairy lights (it has to light up the whole house, he says) I decided to listen to the children and put our (traditional) tree up. We decorated it and it was...well, too big, I felt like I couldn't I decided to put it out on the deck. You might think I am mad (and maybe I am) but I need order and neatness at home (!!!) I know, I know...please have mercy!!! After all I am a decorator! If it doesn't look right and doesn't feel right well it's a no, no unfortunately! 
I would love something very simple, white (and silver) and glass is probably the way to go, I'm going to have lots of tea lights and scented candles everywhere, fresh flowers and a few real, small trees scattered around in pots..I would love that
So far I've got some branches with fairy lights in a glass vase 
I think they look lovely next to my white collection below (which I will be rearranging many more times I'm sure)

I've put some baubles at the bottom of the vase so that it looks a bit more Christmassy 

and hung a couple of glass birds...they look sweet

our nativity set is on display too - I bought this one years ago, I still love its simplicity.
Well this is it for me my friends. My week is looking a little bit crazy but...well, isn't everyone's?
Oh and if you have any ideas or suggestions (for decorations, new age tree, canapes and so on) please leave a comment below. 
I look forward to hearing from you :)

Claudia xo