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receiving sparkle ...

every girl loves a bit of sparkle in her life...

in my case it come by way of a fabulous arrangement, a swap to be exact, by the lovely Kaileen Elise, a fellow blogger and all-around extraordinary woman.

simply put, Kaileen wanted to celebrate her 2-year blogging anniversary in a way that would spread cheer, give other fellow bloggers the opportunity to connect, and share a little bit of, well, sparkle!

{via snail mail ~ which i thought was one of the best parts!}

i was assigned {for lack of a better term} to send a package of goodies to a young woman, Ashley, in virginia, and Danielle, the woman assigned to send me a package, i discovered later, lives in ohio. after we all received a little glimpse of our person {by way of questionaire}, we were to send along 4 things: a bit of sparkle, a treat that soothes, something sweet, and a surprise.

here's what Danielle sent!

everything came in a fabulous Breakfast at Tiffany's tin tote-- j'adore!

coffee and chocolates! yummy...

a Sephora gift card and travel-friendly mirror-- so fabulous!

also included was a gorgeous card from Danielle, with a lovely message, along with a note pad and sticky notes {a girl can never have too many!} ~ she definitely spoiled me! i'm forever thankful for her thoughtfulness and generosity ~ i love it all. :)

i had so much fun picking out goodies for my gal, Ashley, too. when she shares her post, i'll be sure to let you know so you can check it out {in the meantime, you can visit her here}!

and finally, i have to say a *big thank you to Kaileen, who single-handily connected so many fellow bloggers through this fun, sparkling adventure!

pics taken by me:)