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Simple Pleasures - Rainbows

Sometimes I feel sorry for my husband.  When I showed him the prisms I'd bought he said, "Cool.  Where are you going to hang them?"

You have to give the guy credit.  He really is fabulous.  Trust him to figure out a way to hang my prisms from our skylights.  But I suppose we need to give Short Pants some credit too!

They both agreed it was worth it, though.  We now have a gorgeous rainbow-filled bedroom (err..ignore the lack of trim!):

The next skylight, being above our stairs, was a bit trickier to figure out.  But with the brains of my husband, the pole he uses to change the lightbulbs in our living room (remember, we live in an a-frame!), and a bit of plastic from the recycling bin it all worked out:

And again - totally worth it:

What simple pleasures have you been enjoying lately?