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Aqua Thursday

Thursdays has got to be one of my favorite days of the week, the weekend in sight, usually end up seeing the girls & lately it seems to be night of celebrations, the weather was glorious so a lunchtime stroll around the park was called for, slotted in a few pics below. 

Unfortunately last Thursday at Aqua's 1st Birthday celebration(has to be said) was a slight let down. Not because of the clothes, you know that feeling you get on the Central line at rush hour......... 'huff huff get me out, too many arms and legs' well unfortunately that was the case, it was very busy & quite a small venue, which made the one glass of champagne get downed, few photos snapped and I was out. I would have loved to dwell over the clothes for longer but sadly the atmosphere was not permitting. What surprised me about the clothes is how well priced they were! Will certainly consider Aqua next time I am in need of an 'Occasion' dress.

There is always room for sequins in my cupboard.

Above were my Aqua faves by far!

Below is the 'Pat Butcher top I was wearing, 
I decided to zoom in and save the outfit post for another day!

                                                     A photo montage summery of the day