Blog Archive

More than 500 reasons to smile..!

G'day gorgeous ones! Hope you are all well and having a splendid weekend in your parts of the world.
Sorry for the lack of posts and blog visits in the past week. Life has been hectic in more ways than one - mostly so because the 'mini Inspirations' are enjoying their 'Autumn schoolies'. A whole of three weeks together and I'm going to soak up ever moment!

So with little time on my hands, I really just wanted to pop in to let you know that we are off on a family holiday to Tasmania tomorrow afternoon. Though we fly down to Hobart initially we intend to travel by rent-a-car all over this amazing island to explore & enjoy all that it has to offer. To me there is nothing better than a little road-trip adventure, and this is so what our tired 'family quartet' needs right now!

.. happy faces now smile back at me from my side bar and I wish to warmly welcome all of my new followers friends to my blog. It is a privilege & a pleasure to have you here, and I hope you will like my rambles & delights about everything that falls into this, my Space for Inspiration! xx


Last but not least. Another big thank you to my dear and wonderful friend Marsha of 'Splendarosa' who awarded me this tailor-made 'Beautiful Blog Award'. How special and heart warming Marsha! Big hugs of gratitude. xx

OK my lovelies, that is it from me for now - so much to smile about! Quick and brief I know (xx sorry xx) but I promise to be back in more depth soon. Have a wonderful week ahead and a very Happy Easter (& Passover) to those who celebrate!

Biggest hugs to you all. I'll miss you lots..!

xx Charlotta