Blog Archive

Blove & Waking Wednesday

Hello, Hello!  Did you have a sweet day yesterday?  We sure did!  I'll be posting pictures tomorrow of our first family Valentine's night.  It was lots of fun.  SO, I do believe I promised you an exciting Blove yesterday and didn't deliver.  I'm sorry.   To make up for it, I'm sending you a Blove and a Waking Wednesday.   I'm sure you can hardly contain yourself.  Ok, here we go:


This week's Blove is one of my personal favorites.  Not only is it a great new blog that you'll want to add to your daily reads, but the creator of it is my very own friend! 

If you met Bonnie (the brains behind Ink & Squid) you'd instantly want her as a friend.  She's that cool, artsy friend everyone wants to sit with for coffee, although she'd probably deny such an epithet.  Uber talented as a graphic designer (as you can tell by her banner) and artist, she also has mad skills in the fashion and photography department.  But more than that she's just a great person.  Bonnie started this blog after being put on total bed rest during her second trimester of being pregnant with twins.  The Lord has given her some challenges during this pregnancy, but instead of taking it bitterly, she has humbly accepted it and used it as a time of growth and encouragement to others (something we could all learn from). 

"I hope that as I spill out some of my thoughts, frustrations, joys, and inspirations here, it might help you unwind your brain a little bit, too. Thanks for joining me as I make my way through all of life's ink splatters." 

Ink and Squid is a chronicle of Bonnie's pregnancy as well as an outlet to share her eye for fashion and design sprinkled with some recipes and thought-provoking quotes.  Her writing style is so fluid and personal you'll feel as though you're good friends after only one post.  I definitely think you should give it a go, not because she's my friend, but because you will leave there inspired and encouraged if you do.  

And now for Waking Wednesday.  If you caught my earlier post you'll remember that the link partay is still on, but it's being changed to an all text format.  A bit of a bummer, but still cool.  I hope you'll continue to link up.  Also, if you linked up last week I'm sorry that I can't feature you.  I guess when my old linky subscription expired they took with them all of the entries, and I can't view them anymore.  Double bummer.   So let's start fresh, shall we?  

Here's what you do:

1.  Become a follower
2.  Post your great ideas
3.  Visit someone else's great idea
4.  Grab a button!